Daegu Mosque Issue

National Public Radio (NPR) Report

In February 2021, the Muslim student community at Kyungpook National University (KNU) encountered an unforeseen situation. While they were reconstructing their legally owned Mosque, some religious and anti-migrant forces incited neighbors against them. In response to their media-driven propaganda, I was assigned the role of Media Representative for the Daegu Mosque Issue on behalf of the KNU Muslim Community in July 2021. Since then, I have actively participated in numerous media interviews, press conferences, and engagements across electronic, print, and social media platforms. Through these efforts, I have advocated for the Muslim community, dispelled baseless claims, and provided clarifications. In this section, you can access some of my interviews and read a comprehensive article written by me to gain a deeper understanding of the actual issue.

Muaz Razaq

Media Representative for Daegu Mosque Issue, KNU Muslim Students Community

In-Depth Analysis of Daegu Mosque Issue​

This is a detailed and in-depth article about this issue with proper references. To understand this issue in detail, I recommend reading this article.

Press Conference in Seoul (July 2021)

As a representative of the Muslim community at Kyungpook National University, I had the opportunity to address some members of the South Korean parliament in a press conference. During this event, I highlighted key points concerning the issue of discrimination against the Muslim community in the Daegu Mosque matter.

SFCC Press Conference (April 2023)

This Press Conference was held at Seoul Foreign Correspondents Club (SFCC). There is also a Q&A session at the end of the briefing.

The Korea Times Report​

TRT World Report

Press TV Report

France 24 Report

Al Jazeera Report

BBC Reports (Korean, Indonesian)

Narasi Newsroom Report

MBC News Report

KBS News Report

Daud Kim (Korean Youtuber) Interview-1

Daud Kim (Korean Youtuber) Interview-2

Zoom Interview

Youtube Interview