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The Tale of Jeju Horses

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Galloping Through Time: The Enchanting Tale of Jeju’s Majestic Horses

In the heart of Jeju Island, where lush green grasslands kiss the horizon and Mount Halla stands majestically, a tale as old as time unfolds. Welcome to a journey where we explore the rich history, cultural significance, and enchanting beauty of Jeju’s horses, a symbol of the island’s resilience and heritage.

Jeju Horse with Windmills

A Historical Gallop: Jeju Horses Through the Ages

Jeju, a volcanic island renowned for its unique geographical and historical tapestry, harbors a secret that has galloped through the annals of time, weaving itself into the cultural and historical fabric of the island. The horses of Jeju are not just mere animals but a testament to the island’s vibrant past and its unwavering spirit.

Grazing Jeju Horses
Grazing Jeju Horses

The Royal Steeds: Jeju Horses in the Goryeo and Joseon Dynasties

In 1073, during the reign of King Munjong of the Goryeo Dynasty, Jeju’s horses were esteemed gifts presented to kings, a symbol of the island’s prosperity and wealth. The systematic management of these horses, especially during the Goryeo and Joseon Dynasties, showcased a sophisticated understanding of breeding and horse management, turning Jeju into a hub for producing war-ready steeds.

From Prosperity to Peril: The Decline of Jeju Horses

However, the wheels of time spare no one. With the onset of industrialization in the 1960s, the demand for horses plummeted, and machines and modern vehicles overshadowed their once pivotal role in agriculture and transportation. By the 1980s, the population of Jeju horses had tragically dwindled to a mere 1300.

Grazing Jeju Horses

Preservation and Protection: Safeguarding the Legacy of Jeju Horses

Yet, the people of Jeju, with a spirit as indomitable as the horses they revered, embarked on a mission to preserve these noble creatures. In 1986, after meticulous research and selection, Jeju horses were honored as a State-Designated Cultural Property, ensuring their preservation and protection for generations to come.

Grazing Jeju Horses

Grazing Jeju Horses

A Living Narrative: Experiencing the Beauty of Jeju Horses Today

Today, the horses of Jeju stand as a symbol of the island’s unyielding spirit and cultural richness. The Mabang Ranch, where these horses graze during the summer, offers a sight so serene and tranquil that it is hailed as one of Jeju’s top ten scenic beauties. In winter, they find shelter at the Jeju Special Self-Governing Province Livestock Promotion Agency, ensuring their safe conservation and management.

Grazing Jeju Horses

Grazing Jeju Horses
Grazing Jeju Horses

Conclusion: The Timeless Tale of Jeju’s Horses

Jeju’s horses are not merely animals; they are a living, breathing narrative of an island that has galloped through centuries, preserving its heritage and embracing the future with unwavering strength and grace. Embark on a journey to Jeju, where every hoofbeat echoes tales of yesteryears, and allow yourself to be captivated by the enchanting tale of Jeju’s horses.

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